Anyone want to dive - Printable Version

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Anyone want to dive - Chris H - 03-25-2008

I'm going insane!  Does anyone want to dive this weekend?  I'd also be up for afternoon/evenings in the People's Republic of Madison.  I need to be under water.

Re: Anyone want to dive - codecruncher - 03-25-2008

I'd be up for something, where are you thinking?

I think a couple of us may be doing the Yahara river Wednesday after work.

Re: Anyone want to dive - Chris H - 03-25-2008

I'd be up for that.  Let me know where and what time.   

Re: Anyone want to dive - codecruncher - 03-25-2008

Should know the details later tonight. Draft plan is meeting at 5pm near the Tenney locks and then stash a vehicle on the other end near a favorable exit point.

I'll confirm.

Re: Anyone want to dive - codecruncher - 03-25-2008

5pm in the parking lot at the Tenney park locks.

Scouted a bit tonight and it looks like climbing out at the west side of the last bridge (Rutledge) on the south bank or at the opening to Monona will be very easy. We'd stash a vehicle at Morrison & Thornton.

A friend over the weekend timed a cork from the bridge at the locks to the E. Washington bridge and the current took 15 minutes for that.

So I'm thinking just doing the whole river is completely possible in an hour - even with a fair amount of time to stop and browse and look at the opening in Monona awhile.

Re: Anyone want to dive - matt t. - 03-26-2008

Let us know what the visibility is. I'm curious with all of the run off.

Re: Anyone want to dive - codecruncher - 03-26-2008

Vis was variable from about 12" to 16" (from the top of the bottle to the bottom).

On the Mendota side of the locks there is a lot of floating weed blobs in the open water at the boat launch bay that get chummed up over the dam so the vis in the river is 4 to 5 feet tops, but with a lot of particulate. Overall the water level in the river and in Monona seems really low.

Monona has a huge area open - all the way down to the terrace. But the water seems pretty dark/murky.

And there is that huge barge planted right on top of the outlet anyway.

So all in all, virtual diving seemed the best option.