Ft. Lauderdale 3/30 - Printable Version

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Ft. Lauderdale 3/30 - Cavern Junkie - 03-31-2004

Yesterday we dove the wrecks of the Jim Atria and the Mercades with Parrot Island Scuba. The first dive was the wreck of the Jim Atria which sits at 135 feet. Once we got to the wreck we decended down the anchor line of another charter boat that was on the wreck. Visibility was at least 75 feet and the current was light. It is a nice wreck with lots of open compartments to swim into including the engine room which still has the engine in it. After our surface interval we dove the wreck of the Mercades which is 100 feet underwater. Visibility here was not as good as our first dive, but it was still decent. The wreck was torn apart by Hurricane Andrew but it is still an ok dive. We did not see any big fish all day which is kind of unusual, but I guess it happens from time to time.