SS Milwaukee and The Willie - Printable Version

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SS Milwaukee and The Willie - Chris H - 05-16-2004

Managed to get on both of these wrecks today. 20ish feet of vis on the Milwaukee, and similar on the Willie. Nothing spectacular, but better than a lot of other things I could/should have been doing. What better way to try a new regulator than on the Milwaukee? ;D

Re:SS Milwaukee and The Willie - Chris H - 06-01-2004

Just the Willie tonight.
Had a pretty good dive with an experienced tour guide. Visibility was OK
on the wreck but is no where near what it was in February. However, the water is 10-15 degrees warmer now. Despite what the media would like you to believe, we didn't have to swim through any raw sewage at the wreck site either :Smile

Re:SS Milwaukee and The Willie - FreediveWI - 07-08-2004

We had another night out on the Willy last night. Vis was decent once you got below 40'. temps were in the 60's above that, but the vis wasn't the best.

As we left the harbour things looked fairly calm, due to the strong west winds.


Re:SS Milwaukee and The Willie - FreediveWI - 07-08-2004

Of course, once we got out far enough things picked up a little bit and we were doing our fair share of rocking and rolling- especially when your out there freediving and have to do your breath-ups in the swells. Wink

I was freediving, with my scooter, off the wreck and came upon this little beauty just north of the rear cargo holds. Whomever dropped her, with the weights zip-tied to her feet, sure seemed to have a grudge against some guy named "Sean"- I am quite sure that some anonymous reader is laughing their butt off right now. :-X

Still, a good time was had by all.


Re:SS Milwaukee and The Willie - scubert - 07-12-2004

We were out on the Milwaukee on the WreckXpress yesterday. Beautiful, flat calm lake. We could actually see the reflection of the buildings downtown on the lakes surface.
Vis was down from the 30' we had heard reported for Sat. It was probably 10-15 at most points. No Barbies to report though. Wink

Re:SS Milwaukee and The Willie - Chris H - 07-12-2004

It was definitely a beautiful morning to be on the lake. It is rare that I like it above the water as much as below.

Re:SS Milwaukee and The Willie - scubert - 07-20-2004

On Sunday the 18th water temps on the Milwaukee were somewhere between 57-60*f.

Vis was pretty decent as well 20'+/-.

Strong current down to 50' though. Fair current on the bottom.

Re:SS Milwaukee and The Willie - LKunze - 07-20-2004

Sweet. I've gotta get out there earlier this year. I went last year in October and the warm water was blown out by then.

Re:SS Milwaukee and The Willie - scubert - 08-20-2004

Beautiful night out on the Milwaukee yesterday with Capt Dean.

Moderate current at the surface which mellowed to almost nothing at 40' with great vis (30+') on the bottom. Water was 42*f on the bottom as well.

Got to cruise back into port looking at the prettiest sunset reflected off the buildings downtown.