Cancun - Printable Version

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Cancun - icpr4u - 01-11-2005

Howdy everybody!

I need some advice about Cancun diving.
My wife and I will be in Cancun at the end of the month and I was wondering if anybody had a suggestion for a good dive charter. We'll also need to rent gear.....(I know , I know ...our stuff is better but we'll only be diving one or two days and I just can't see hauling it all down there for just a few dives.)

Any info will help.

I'm also going to post a question regarding my recently acquired sea life camera in the photo section. If you'd got some tips on U/W photography I'd really appreciate that too.


Re:Cancun - MikeS - 01-11-2005

Any chance you can change your trip to Cozumel instead?

Re:Cancun - jasondbaker - 01-11-2005

You won't find much diving around Cancun. Yeah you can dive there, but it won't compare to Coz. I think it would be okay for a day. I did this dive about 6 years ago.

You might want to check out Scubaboard for dive operators. They have a Mexico travel section on their forum. Someone may have a recent recommendation for Cancun.

Another option to check out depending on your dive experience is the cenotes (caverns). You should have good bouyancy skills before doing these dives. The cenotes are the best dives in that area.

You could rent a car for a day and drive down to Playa del Carmen and jump on a dive boat crossing over to Coz. That makes for a pretty expensive day trip but the diving would be significantly better than Cancun.

Re:Cancun - icpr4u - 01-11-2005

The trip is more for my brother in law....30th b-day. So unlike our other Mexico trips diving is not the first priority. :'(

Are there any dive shops that go to Cozumel from Cancun?

Re:Cancun - Rik - 01-11-2005

I've dove the Playa del Carmen area a lot. There are some OK Reefs there but I would agree you are better off in Coz.
The Cenotes in the Playa area are #1 Dive!
[glow=red,2,300]The Cenotes are Way C00L< INNER SPACE[/glow]!
There are some Turtles to be seen in Playa on the Tortugas Reef:Avg depth 60-70 feet, About 100ft max.
The reef in Playa are not a nice as Coz but it's sometimes not worth the hassle of getting to Cozumel and just dive the Playa side.
If you talk to most of the dive shops anyone can tell you how to get to Coz it would be a day trip, your Resort might even have a sister resort on Cozumel so check with your resort.
I'll be near Play Feb 6th to the 13th.
Dive Safe, check your rental gear before you get in the water and speak up if you don't like something!
Rik O+<

Re:Cancun - jasondbaker - 01-11-2005

I agree with Rik. I've actually had some nice dives around PDC.

No Cancun dive operators go to Coz. It's way to far away.

I definitely recommend bringing your own mask and maybe even fins.

Re:Cancun - pink_fins - 01-11-2005

Think about diving in Coz with Christi at

I have heard some good things about her operations.
She is from the US and trys her hardest to give you what you want


If this sounds like a plug, it is, but friends are friends and I would rather dive with a friend.

I also have a friend I know of if you want to dive a cenote or two

Re:Cancun - icpr4u - 01-11-2005

Thanks for the tips.
I dove Tortugas Reef two years ago....I loved the turtles and we saw a pile of fish. Think the last years trip to Ambergris Caye spoiled me...tough to bet the dives we had there. I'll check around and let you all know how the Cancun diving worked out. We'll be back at the end of the month....maybe we'll have some pics to share too! Big Grin
Thanks again

Re: Cancun - icpr4u - 01-31-2005

....And we're back.

I'd have to say over all the trip was great. We had a little snafu with the Caribbean Village Resort on the first night. They overbooked and all four of us got crammed into one room. Oh well, it made it fell like a spring break trip and that brought back the college style party attitude, which does have its good points. Other than that no complaints regarding the lodging.

The diving was OK. It was certainly not as good as Belize and not quite as good as Playa-del Carmen but fun nonetheless. We dove with Aqua World while in Cancun and I would have to say they did just as good of a job as any other dive charter I have gone with. Their equipment, including a very nice boat, was just fine (mine is still better) and their Dive masters were very easy to work with. We had 11 divers and three dive masters for our trip. That was a better ratio than any other place I have been. It cost us $72USD each for the two-tank wreck dive, which seems to be the going rate around town and a $2USD park fee each. The two-tank reef dive was $65each.  They also do a day trip to COZ with transportation, equipment, lunch and drinks for around $130 each and all kinds of other packages too. All in all a nice group to go with if you're in the neighborhood.
I do think that the next trip down there will be to Cozumel. From the looks of the pics in other postings it's hard to beat.


Re: Cancun - icpr4u - 02-01-2005

Sorry i forgot to post some pics. :o
Chaeck out the Photo newbie need help post in the Potography section.
