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Threading/Webbing a backplate
03-09-2004, 09:06 AM,
Threading/Webbing a backplate
I've just recently finished up getting a backplate.

I was diving a ScubaPro RecTek, which is essentially an old DiveRite TransPac. I bought a DiveRite SS backplate and standard harness. I was able to take my RecTek wing (which is just a relabeled DiveRite RecWing) and my Scubapro tank straps and use them to build a full BP/Wings setup. It's definitely very nice - I got to dive it this weekend and I definitely enjoyed it.

I wanted to post a few links that I used to get my backplate webbed and adjusted. This page here:

is GREAT for doing a completely DIY webbing. I used it's tips to build my own crotch strap out of some extra webbing - I didn't bolt it to the plate, I just made the loops shown on the page on both ends of the webbing. One loop went through the two inch slot on my plate, and the other loop is the front of the crotch strap.

I only put one d-ring on each shoulder - I don't really have a need for two...and I definitely liked their idea for using an innertube as a backup light holder. I picked one up for $3.50 from a bike shop in town (they just emptied out their garbage, so they didn't have any used ones).

Another good tip I got from this page was to use the metal weight belt stops on the lower part of the plate where the webbing feeds through to make the waist strap, like this picture here:

On Saturday, I found that my webbing was sliding through these slots a little and killing all the adjustments I had made. I put a weight belt stop on both sides and it made everything very secure.

Also, if you need help in adjusting the fit of your backplate, here is a good guide:

I'm not advocating any style of diving with this link, it's just got some very nice pictures on how you should set up your plate and harness.

Hope these help someone out!
03-09-2004, 04:13 PM,
Re:Threading/Webbing a backplate
I agree gasdiving is a great site. Their info on harnesses convinced me to make my own instead of buying one.
03-09-2004, 04:41 PM,
Re:Threading/Webbing a backplate
I know - I kind of wished I would have just bought the backplate, instead of buying the harness as well. It was only like $20...but still... ;D

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