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Discover Wisconsin Show
04-06-2010, 06:00 PM,
Discover Wisconsin Show
Discover Wisconsin:         Diving at Wazee Lake was featured and will be on this weekend.You will find a lot of diving coverage in this show. If you were at one of the locations where they interviewed divers, be sure to watch this weekend, you may see yourself on TV. The Show, titled "Black River Country & Tomah - Get Out and Play," is scheduled for broadcast in 8 states throughout the Midwest. Locally it will air Saturday, April 10 at 10:00a.m. on ComCast/Fox Sports Net, and Sunday, April 11 at 5:00p.m. on both WQOW TV-18 Eau Claire and WXOW TV-19 La Crosse, (ABC.) Big Grin

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