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Moving to Kenosha
04-19-2004, 09:02 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-19-2004, 09:02 PM by puddlejumper1.)
Moving to Kenosha
So after a hectic last couple of months I have finally started to settle down and breathe again. I am making a career change and will be going into the teaching business. Took a job at a private trade school down in the Northern Chicago area that starts the beginning of May.

So what the .... does this have to do with diving. I decided with this job move that I was not getting enough diving in with my previous job. So instead of moving to a suburb of Chi town I have decided to move to Kenosha.

I am leasing a condo until I decide if this will work out (I think it will the commute is only 1 hr. ie the same as a good suburb from were I am working). I have arranged for the Afternoon Delight to be stored down there and with the Conversion Van I am buying I can still pull it all up and down the coast. This is going to greatly increase my weekend diving ability.

So if you see the afternoon delight puttering around this year give us a honk. And if you find an extra weekend and want to go blow bubbles let us know I always like to meet new faces. 8)

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