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deco reg use
05-04-2007, 07:10 PM,
Re: deco reg use

Why would you want an uncomfortable mouthpiece for your O2 regulator?  Oftentimes the amount of time spent on that one for a dive is as much or more than any of the other regs.
05-05-2007, 07:42 AM,
Re: deco reg use
My deco regs can go on any deco bottle. Regardless of mix.  They are treated the same...meaning...cleaned the same, tuned the same, and neither have any special color, uncomfortable mouthpiece, or any other thing that may be used to distinguish gas mix.
05-13-2007, 06:04 AM,
Re: deco reg use
Quote:Why would you want an uncomfortable mouthpiece for your O2 regulator?  Oftentimes the amount of time spent on that one for a dive is as much or more than any of the other regs.

Maybe I should have said "slightly less comfortable" the point is, as an extra precaution, I can tell immediately if I've made a mistake and am using the wrong reg.  Obviously after following the reg to the stage, checking the stage, and having my buddy confirm it, this shouldn't happen. Then again a different mouthpiece doesn’t cost extra, it's not extra redundant gear and I don't think even GUE has a section on mouthpieces.

I agree that sometimes the amount of time on an o2 regulator can be quite a bit, but never more then 20-25 minutes without a break.

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