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Rebreather Seminar Mar. 24
03-02-2012, 07:36 AM,
Rebreather Seminar Mar. 24
Location Underwater Connections Menomonee Falls, WI March 24th

Rebreathers 101 is a comprehensive seminar on the fundamentals of how to operate a fully closed circuit rebreather.  You will find it interactive and engaging in both the topics, as well as hands on with demonstrations and building the rebreathers that will be used later in the pool.  The pool session will provide you with the opportunity to demo several rebreathers.  Space is limited to provide divers with the best personal interaction.  Topics that will be discussed include:

Rebreather operations and procedures
Basics, types, and essential care
Selecting a rebreather: comparing apples and oranges
Myths and misconceptions about rebreather diving
Carbon dioxide
Oxygen exposure
Deep diving and mixed-gases
Accident analysis and prevention
Traveling with rebreathers: tips and warnings
Lots of time for questions...and answers

8:00 am – 12 noon classroom
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch break
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm assembly and testing ccr’s for pool
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm pool time

Your instructor Ron Benson has been diving and teaching rebreathers for over 14 years and has traveled the nation to train dive centers, instructors, and divers.  He has traveled the world to attend rebreather conferences, and has sponsored CCR specific dive travel from Truk Lagoon to shipwrecks in the Great Lakes.

If you are considering an investment of $8-10,000 in life support of a rebreather,  or you simply want to learn more about this technology then the small investment in this course is worth many fold.  Cost is $125 and covers all classroom, handouts,  pool, demo use of rebreathers, CO2 absorbent, oxygen, diluent, and sanitation.    Divers only need to provide pool equipment; suit, towel, mask, fins.

Contact Underwater Connections to sign up 262-251-8283 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              262-251-8283      end_of_the_skype_highlighting       

or email me for questions

Good Diving


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