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Opinions on Poseidons
08-31-2004, 07:37 AM,
Opinions on Poseidons
Interesting topic for everyone to talk about. I've been talking to someone that works at Poseidon, and he is trying to find out what some of us divers over here think in general about Poseidon and their equipment - their regulators, their suits, anything and everything.

I know what the GUE trained divers will say about them, so I don't want to get into the debate of what reg is better for what. I just want peoples impressions of them - especially you guys that run charters.

What are your opinions of them? What do you see their reputation as? What do other divers you dive with think of them? I appreciate the feedback!
08-31-2004, 08:10 AM,
Re:Opinions on Poseidons
I tried to out breathe a poseidon once...that was the first, last and only time for me. I now know that it can deliver far more than I would ever need. I know that from a rebuilding standpoint, they can be a bit of a pain in the rump....i am told that there have been so many little differences internally over the years, that it can be troublesome...
I like the side vent..its great for buddy breathing if need you only have to rotate the second stage. When adjusted properly, you dont even have to draw off the almost breathes for you..yes even at depth. I have many divers on my boat that dive them. some older..some newer...i find some old school deep wreck divers use them and only them. This comforts me... I dive cyclons
I am a fan, and will be for a long time
08-31-2004, 08:20 AM,
Re:Opinions on Poseidons
What do I think about Poseidons? I liked my Odin Jetstream a lot, except for the mouthpiece which was hard to jam into my mouth. I put a moldable mouthpiece (SeaCure) on and took care of the problem. The connection was not designed for a standard moldable mouthpiece. This worked well.

I finally got an X-Stream after Poseidon got off the chronic and drilled enough holes in the first stage. I really like this regulator for several reasons, low volume (this thing clears at a thought) small size and great air delivery (especially at depth).

The special hose needed for relief is a pain and could be done in a different manner using a standard hose.

I like the Poseidons. I am ready to be criticized now.

08-31-2004, 08:22 AM,
Re:Opinions on Poseidons
I forgot to add - I do definitely want to hear all opinions on them - good, bad or whatever. So please post no matter what the opinion is!
08-31-2004, 08:31 AM,
Re:Opinions on Poseidons
We've touched on this in a few other threads and you may be able to pull opinions from there. I never had a problem with mine. I haven't had a problem with my new G250 HP Scubapros either. About 350 dives on the Poseidons, and around 70 on the SP. I probably won't go back.
08-31-2004, 06:02 PM,
Re:Opinions on Poseidons
I had (have) 2 Jetstreams. Great breathing regs. A little touchy (and expensive) as far as servicing, and expensive to buy hoses for. I now own 4 Apeks (2 Jet-streams still for sale) that breathe alright, but not as good as the Poseidons. I'm going with the Apeks to keep all my regs the same. Reliable, easy, and reasonable to service. Easy to find and cheaper hoses, and parts. Interchangeable if need be. I like the Poseidons, they just don't seem to be the MOST practical reg to own if you have a choice. Just my 2 cents.......
09-21-2004, 05:16 PM,
Re:Opinions on Poseidons
I own and dive a cyclon 5000 and love it to death. I've owned lots of other regs (mares, atomic, apeks) and my cyclon is still my reg of choice. My only beef is that there is not a 2nd stage swivel available for Poseidons !
10-14-2004, 08:21 PM,
Re:Opinions on Poseidons
The Cyklon was the first single hose reg I ever bought; did so because back then (1970s) they were the only single hose to have anti-freeze protection.
Before the Cyklon I'd been using the Nemrod Snark III & US Divers Aqua Master.
My Cyklons are still going strong with only a "little" upgrading.
12-05-2004, 03:27 PM,
Re:Opinions on Poseidons
Did a little cold water diving in the Wolf River today. Ice on the edges, hit my head on some, ice floating by and anchor ice at the bottom. Temperature measurements of 32-33 deg F at all depths.

It is not easy working against the current in the river, so the diver and the regulator gets a little workout.

Here is a regulator set with some of the ice that formed underwater.

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12-05-2004, 03:36 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-05-2004, 04:04 PM by dfreeman.)
Re:Opinions on Poseidons
The group predominately uses Poseidon JetStream and X-Stream regulators. Here is an example of what one of the X-Stream's looked like after the dive. The regulator is encased in 1/4 inch of ice except for the spring end. This regulator is designed to keep ice from forming on the spring. The regulator worked fine.

When drift diving down the river in shallower 32 deg F water, all of the X-Stream's looked something like this .

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