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Disabled/Handicapped divers
11-22-2004, 05:56 PM,
Re:Disabled/Handicapped divers
[glow=red,2,300]I caution you about putting weight in pants pockets as you will not be able to ditch the weights if needed! Nor would your buddy or other divers be aware or able to ditch them for you![/glow]
Also on your choice of BCD you might wish to look at the Aeris Atomos XT recently written up in the Scuba Diving Mag. Its a hybrid design which combines back bouyancy with air cell that wraps under the arm.
This would be and advantage for you with bouyancy at the surface, when kicking is needed for control with back plate designs and less with the jacket types.
I happen to use one and I'll be happy to let you give a pool try if you wish.

Rik O+<

11-22-2004, 11:41 PM,
Re:Disabled/Handicapped divers

Thanks for the advice and offer on the BC. I may just take you up on it. I'll keep you posted on progress and PM or email you if the first option I try is a failure.

The diving shorts have velcro pockets to make weight dumping fairly easy. You are correct though that my buddy would have to know they are there for sure.

Thanks again...

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