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Lower Pine Lake report
05-23-2005, 02:02 PM,
Lower Pine Lake report
A couple of us dove Lower Pine Lake in western WI yesterday.  This is a very small lake with a single public boat access.  It had 20+ foot visibility down to about 35 feet.  Below 35 feet the visibility decreases significantly.  Our max depth was around 50 feet.  The water temperature was 55 at the surface and 41 below the 16ft thermocline.
05-24-2005, 02:25 PM,
Re: Lower Pine Lake report
sounds interesting, what did you see?  How deep is the lake?
05-25-2005, 03:24 PM,
Re: Lower Pine Lake report
I was one of the divers with Jason.  The max depth for the lake is 102 feet.  Last year we got down to 70 feet before it got really cloudy.  It's an easy lake to get depth in with a decent access from the boat landing.  Some of things I've seen in the lake are boat anchors, an old chair, an old swimming slide, an old metal dock frame, trolling motor and wooden pallets strung together attached to bricks.  Not sure what the point of those are.  There are several of them in the 15 to 20 foot range heading north from the boat landing.  Also several underwater buoys along the shoreline for swim platforms in front of private properties.  One thing that's nice to not see is a lot of trash.  This lake seems remarkably clean as far as cans and trash go. 

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