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Apeks TX 50 or ATX 50 Regulators?
07-18-2005, 02:14 PM,
Apeks TX 50 or ATX 50 Regulators?
I am getting new regs and trying to decide between Apeks TX 50 and ATX 50 for my primary and backup regs.  The Apeks web site says that the ATX 50 is just an improved version, smaller, better material, etc. of the TX 50.  But then I keep hearing from people that the TX 50 breathes better.

Does anybody have experience with both?  Suggestions?  Opinions?

07-18-2005, 03:40 PM,
Re: Apeks TX 50 or ATX 50 Regulators?
I have both the ATX 200 and TX 50s.  From my understanding, the ATX 50 and the ATX 200 share a very similar, if not identical, second stage that is smaller than the TX series second stage.  I have noticed no real difference in breathing performance between either reg.  The biggest difference seems to be the "comfort" of the second stage.  I think there is something to be said for having a second stage that feels smaller, lighter and just less bulky.  It's especially noticeable when switching from backgas (ATX 200) to deco gas (TX 50).  I might switch to ATX second stages for my deco regs next year.  Hope that helps Jitka.

07-18-2005, 03:50 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-18-2005, 08:48 PM by matt t..)
Re: Apeks TX 50 or ATX 50 Regulators?
As Todd said the TX is larger version of the ATX. Internally they are the same in fact most of the Apeks line uses the same internal rebuild kits for the second stages. Unlike Todd, I prefer the TX 50 for back gas (once you get rid of the horrible mouth pieces they come with)and the ATX 50 for a deco reg. They will breathe the same if set up properly. There are those that complain about "bubble interference" from the smaller exhaust vent on the ATX,  though I don't notice it. If you're on the boat tomorrow night you can see them side by side.

Todd, let me know when you decide to swap for the ATX, I may be interested in your TX's.

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