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Yahara River?
05-24-2006, 08:31 PM,
Yahara River?
With the channel between Mendota and Monona closed to boat traffic still, is this legal to dive currently since you wouldn't be obstructing anyone?
05-25-2006, 03:57 PM,
Re: Yahara River?
That's a real good question. It might be best to call the Sheriff's Dept. and ask that question. OTOH, what is there to see? I use the term "see" loosely.
05-25-2006, 06:28 PM,
Re: Yahara River?
I would stay out right now because the channel isn't closed- just the locks at the north end. Boats can still drive up and down it and you posting a dive flag while diving would, essentialy, close off the passage to the entire river.

The best time to dive it is in the middle of winter when the boats can't get to it, but the water stays open. The water is also the clearest at that point and then you can look for all of the lost trash that gets dumped in there all summer long.

05-25-2006, 06:39 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-25-2006, 06:41 PM by codecruncher.)
Re: Yahara River?
Well, the Our Four Lakes book says I could look forward to

...large quantities of ever-changing objects, parking meters, bus coin boxes, radios, watches, fishing gear, strong boxes, guns, bowling balls, golf balls, etc....

I'm mainly interested in it for the guns myself  ;D
05-25-2006, 07:27 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-25-2006, 07:29 PM by gfmayhew.)
Re: Yahara River?
Heh. Guns. Serious downside to picking up any guns "deposited" in the water: they may have been used to commit a violent crime, and are therefor evidence in potentially ongoing investigations. You couldn't keep them to start with. You'd have to turn them over to the authorities, with the promise that you might "eventually" get them back.  :-\

Actually, you might not be allowed to disturb them at all. I'm not sure of the fine points of investigative science and how the law interprets the "site" of discovered evidence.
05-25-2006, 08:15 PM,
Re: Yahara River?
Finders keepers. What "they" don't know won't hurt YOU.... ;D
I like guns!
05-25-2006, 08:19 PM,
Re: Yahara River?
Guess you missed the  ;D

I've never even held or fired one.
05-26-2006, 05:10 AM,
Re: Yahara River?
No, I didn't miss it. I just like guns  Wink. If you do happen to  find any bowling balls, please bring them to Red Granite. We're having a bowling tournament over there later on Sunday or Monday  ;D.
05-26-2006, 07:01 AM,
Re: Yahara River?
I was cruising my boat up the channel a couple of weeks ago. There was a nice looking scooter/moped about 3' deep underneath one of the bridges. I didn't pick it up, didn't want to get the carpet in my boat all messed up.
As someone who boats the canal frequently, I definately would NOT recommend diving it when there is any chance of boat traffic. That canal is horrible to manuever in. You would be causing a major obstruction.
05-26-2006, 08:07 AM,
Re: Yahara River?

Bowling at Red Granite Rules!

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