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Info On Devils Lake
06-21-2006, 02:57 PM,
Info On Devils Lake
Hello all, I am new to here as this is my first posting. My dive buddy and myself are planning a trip to DL and are wondering where are the best places to make access from shore. We were also wondering if there are any places in particular to see as we have never dove here before. Any help is appreciated.
06-21-2006, 03:55 PM,
Re: Info On Devils Lake
Ask as you enter the park for the divers area,then folow the signs around to the parking lot as ther will be picnic benches as a place to set up,then as you go to the lake its a small climb down the rocks to the lake,as you swim out stay close to each other as vis can range from 5'-20' and there are large rocks that if you swim fast you can get a bump on the head,it dose have some fish to see, and rock structure, and its a dive!
  and a great  dive shop down the road with lots of equipment, fills, and great staff can help you out too!
Dive safe,
06-21-2006, 04:20 PM,
Re: Info On Devils Lake
If I were you, I would stop in the 3 Little Devil's dive shop and pick up a map of the lake and get advice personally from the staff.  The shop is 100 yards before the north entrance to the park.

When will you be diving there? 
06-21-2006, 05:28 PM,
Re: Info On Devils Lake
Thanks for the help, we plan on diving on June 29th. We typicly dive pearl lake but we are looking to exspand out some. We would be up for company if someone wants to join us.
06-21-2006, 05:29 PM,
Re: Info On Devils Lake
hell it looks like I need to use spell check next time.
06-21-2006, 05:52 PM,
Re: Info On Devils Lake

And to think you've figured it out after only four posts!  There are many others who haven't done nearly as well!  ;D

06-22-2006, 09:09 PM,
Re: Info On Devils Lake

What time do you expect to be there?
06-24-2006, 05:46 AM,
Re: Info On Devils Lake
We probably would be there mid day as we have to travel from Dekalb IL, about 3 hrs or so.
06-24-2006, 09:22 AM,
Re: Info On Devils Lake
There's another entrance on the West side of the lake that doesn't involve climbing down a rocky hill with all your gear, and seems to have similar sights underwater.  The only downside is there is only really parking for 4 cars, and fishers pile on early.  If you don't mind a bit of a hike, you can park in the boat launch nearby after dropping off your gear at the beach.

If you scroll south a bit, it's off of Cottage Grove Rd.

  Plan for a 15-20 foot dive North from the West entrance or South from the East entrance.  I don't recall much more than a silty bottom if you go deeper/further away from shore.  But the shore is pretty interesting.
06-30-2006, 10:36 AM,
Re: Info On Devils Lake
OK We made it to DL yesterday, water temp was mid 60s and about 15 foot vis. It was a good dive for us. Many thanks to Mike for showing us around. I will dive this site again.

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