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Fontana Cozumel Trip - Off to Mexico we go – to dive in the blue water.
12-07-2006, 01:01 PM, (This post was last modified: 01-01-2007, 02:49 PM by Weston.)
Fontana Cozumel Trip - Off to Mexico we go – to dive in the blue water.
6 spots remaining only

April 21 - 28, 2007

Diver Price:  $1399.00 per person
Non-Diver Price:  $999.00 per person
Single Supplement Cost:    $300.00

Package Includes: 
Round Trip Airfrare
7 Nights Accommodation (double occupancy – Pool View Room)
5 days of 2-tank boat diving (morning standard trips)  including tanks, weights and belt
4 days of 1-tank afternoon trips (same day as 2-tank morning trips)
Welcome tank for buoyancy/equipment check shore dive on arrival date
All hotel taxes

Package Excludes:
Airport Transfers
$3.00 pp/day Marine Park Fee
Personal Dive Equipment

Air Travel
Madison, Wisconsin to Cozumel
Depart:  6:00A  April 21, 2007
Arrive:  2:00P       

Cozumel to Madison, WI
Depart: 2:00P April 28, 2007                             
Arrive:  9:30P

Final Payment: due by Feb 20th, 2007
01-01-2007, 02:50 PM,
Re: Fontana Cozumel Trip - Off to Mexico we go – to dive in the blue water.
Only 6 spots Remaining

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