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Zebra Mussels
01-26-2007, 08:07 PM,
Re: Zebra Mussels
Quote:On Skumbago, I have had a front row seat on the invasion there.  In the bay I live on, the mussels grew wildly at first, with large amounts of full grown adults seen on the rocks.

Has there been any improvement in viz since the invasion? Are there any predators that feed on the ZM in the lake?
Life's Short, Dive Hard
01-26-2007, 09:49 PM,
Re: Zebra Mussels

You can clean your scuba gear all you want.  Your boat too for that matter.  Waterfowl transport them.  Are we going to kill every duck and goose?  I don't think so.  Were stuck with them.  Every lake, pond, river and creek.  Get used to it.

01-26-2007, 11:36 PM,
Re: Zebra Mussels
Yes viz is improving on Winnebago.  Sheepshead, carp, bufflehead, and bluebills are predators.  Possibly sturgeon.  Weed growth has exploded with water celery at the lead followed closely by millfoil.  Spent a lot of time last summer running a water jet uprooting it.  I put nearly 2 tons of it in the compost pile from what's left of the channel.  And that's only from an area of 180' x 60'.

The water jet works great on millfoil as it uproots it without tearing the plant up much.  That helps keep the spread down.  Also the fish seemed to like the cleared out area as well.

I did try to contact Changing World Technologies about their thermal depolymerization process to see if I could build a small scale system to convert the millfoil into fuel oil.  They weren't too interested.  This system could turn the plague of millfoil into a usefull crop that could be used for fuel.  At least it could help bring fuel oil prices down a bit.
DEW >&ltWink)>
01-27-2007, 07:34 PM,
Re: Zebra Mussels

I'll just keep diving with you and Fred.  If a seven foot snakehead appears I am confident I can swim faster then both of you with that kind of motivation. Ha.


Let me at em Jim. We’ll be having some snakehead stew that night. Mix in a few zebra mussels... now that's a meal fit for a king.
01-27-2007, 10:16 PM,
Re: Zebra Mussels
Don't forget the Garlic Fred.

01-29-2007, 12:29 AM,
Re: Zebra Mussels
Zebra mussels are edible? ???
DEW >&ltWink)>
01-29-2007, 07:08 AM,
Re: Zebra Mussels

now there's a thought.  Roast them like peanuts (in the shell), and serve them in little bowls.  Take a drink of beer, open a few zebra mussels like you would a peanut, toss the shells on the floor.  They are a little small, but it might work.
Dave Job, Port Washington WI
01-29-2007, 10:31 PM,
Re: Zebra Mussels
The shells might be a little sharp for that! :-\

It would be cool if they were the size of green mussels.  I don't know if anyone has ever tried eating them.  I should check into it.  I bet the DNR will want to have permits for harvesting if they are.
DEW >&ltWink)>
01-30-2007, 12:20 PM,
Re: Zebra Mussels
OOHHH OHHHH sign me up for a batch from the main gap area in Milwaukee...i am sure they have the richest flavor ;D
01-30-2007, 01:48 PM,
Re: Zebra Mussels

You may even find some of those convienent ribbed latex thingies floating around to take them home in. 

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