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Drysuit Recommendations (Revisited)
06-09-2007, 11:25 PM,
Re: Drysuit Recommendations (Revisited)
Quick Recap.
It is a drysuit, not a buoyancy suit
Get trilam or crushed neoprene
Front entry
Turbo soles or integrated boots, not sewn in socks with Rock boots
Fit is most important
I like a neoprene neck seal
Shoulder dump
dry gloves are a must
get bellows pockets right away
and a pee-valve if it works for you.

I guess I agree with the majority of this, however I do have a couple comments.

I've never tried the neoprene neck seal so can't really compare and have had no trouble with latex.  Nearly all people I dive with have latex.  Don't really think "just because everyone else does it"  is a good reason, but it does make you think is there a reason most drysuits come standard with latex seals?  Maybe it's cheaper, so there's more profit margin.  Anyway, I've had no trouble with the latex seals.

I like zipper pockets over velcro, just because they will not come open when you don't want them to.  That's more personal preference, but DO get thigh pockets.

Front entry is VERY nice, but usually adds a couple hundred to the price of the suit.  If money is a real issue, I'd go with a better suit with back zip, instead of a lesser suit with front entry.

I've had integrated boots, and really prefer the Rock boots.  It eliminates any problem with air in your feet.  I could see where the turbo soles would be a good alternative.  If you went with integrated boots, or turbo soles, I would recommend gaiters, which will keep excess air out of your lower legs, especially if you end up with a trilam suit, which tend to be a looser fit than crushed neoprene.

I agree with dry gloves.  I spent the first 2 seasons after I moved up here diving with wet suit gloves, saying it wasn't too bad.  Well, if the water temp is below 50, it's only a matter of time until your hands get so cold you can't move them.  I REALLY like dry gloves.

My 2 cents...


Messages In This Thread
Drysuit Recommendations (Revisited) - by LKunze - 06-08-2007, 08:31 PM
Re: Drysuit Recommendations (Revisited) - by jleech - 06-09-2007, 11:25 PM

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