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Wednesday Night Charter w/ Bill and U/C
04-28-2008, 09:10 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-29-2008, 02:58 PM by diverjeremy.)
Wednesday Night Charter w/ Bill and U/C
This Wednesday we (Underwater Connection) will be diving the St. Albans (165ffw) with Bill and the Nordic Diver.  We meet at McKinley Marina around 5pm and head out around 5:30pm...not sure if there are spots available (6 divers max)  Call Underwater Connection (262) 251-8283 to see if you can get on.  Please make sure you are Adv Nitrox and Deco cert. for this dive

Every Wednesday until Oct. 15 U/C will be doing an afternoon/evening dive with Nordic Diver.  We dive everything from Milwaukee, Willy, EMBA (adv. nitrox/deco required), St. Albans (adv. nitrox/deco), Gillen Tug, Dredge, etc.  Give a call to reserve your spot for any dive (262) 251-8283. 

I will try and post on Sunday to let everyone know what we have coming up.

Hope to see some of you this summer on Wednesdays with Nordic Diver and Underwater Connection.

Safe Diving

Messages In This Thread
Wednesday Night Charter w/ Bill and U/C - by diverjeremy - 04-28-2008, 09:10 PM

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