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Wazee 5/16
05-17-2009, 07:26 AM,
Wazee 5/16
Fourth trip of the season to beautiful Lake Wazee. Nice day, a little on the windy side at least above water ;D.
Also cool, but that does make gearing up in a drysuit more comfortable. I dove from the site nearest the shallow platform on the west side.
Got 2 very nice dives in, vis seems to be improving. Nice around the platform, then kind of crappy from around 40ft to around 80ft or so, just a guess. Thermocline  at about 30ft. 40 degrees at depth.
Lots of suckers swimming around in shallower water. Would much rather see the smallmouth the the suckers. In the shallower water also saw a nice walleye. But on the strange side(at least to me) I was swimming along at 150ft when I spotted something, a fish? So I swam towards it, sure enough it was. A walleye at 150ft and alive. Never thought I would see a walleye at these depths.

Messages In This Thread
Wazee 5/16 - by Scubaal - 05-17-2009, 07:26 AM
Re: Wazee 5/16 - by matt t. - 05-17-2009, 10:29 AM
Re: Wazee 5/16 - by jmohns - 05-17-2009, 08:46 PM

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