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Buck pool for gun & blackpowder season
11-17-2009, 11:08 AM,
Buck pool for gun & blackpowder season
Anyone wanting to get in a Buck pool for the upcoming season!?!?
Send $2.00 to the store which must be postmarked this Friday.
During gun or Black powder season post you picture here along with the date and time.
1/2 the money will be sent to the person taking the largest Buck
The other half will go to the first Deer taken (either sex)
Plus the winner of each will also receive a free gift from the store.
1611 Washington Street
Two Rivers, WI 54241

Please send me a PM if you are signing up so I can get a list started

Messages In This Thread
Buck pool for gun & blackpowder season - by divbum - 11-17-2009, 11:08 AM

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