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Rebreather Seminar & Demo Under Water Connections
02-20-2010, 09:34 PM,
Re: Rebreather Seminar & Demo Under Water Connections
I really like your idea about a Ghost Ships Challenge it is needed.
I would also point out the hundreds of people that donate thousands of hours of their time for nothing to make these shows work.
All of the moneys that are generated at these shows goes right back to the diving communities in the form of grants.
These grants are used for Shipwreck Bouys, Shipwreck Documentation, and getting these Wrecks on the National Register of Historic Places. (the best protection that we can give them at this time)

But all this ignores your personal decision this winter to do as much damage as you could to
The Dive into the Past show in ST. Paul
And the Ghost Ship Festival in Milluakee.

This is the best example of misdirection and political spin that I can think of in recent memory.
Have you thought about becoming a politician?

If you want to talk about petty childish name calling I would be happy to post a copy of your January 11th email rant for the whole world to see.

Safe Diving

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Re: Rebreather Seminar & Demo Under Water Connections - by rcojr - 02-20-2010, 09:34 PM

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