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Rebreather Seminar & Demo Under Water Connections
02-21-2010, 08:43 PM,
Re: Rebreather Seminar & Demo Under Water Connections

I only teach the KISS Classic and KISS Sport models - hardly a diverse selection. Ozzy and Jay have organized and arranged all the GLSPS guys into graciously bringing their Inspos and Evos- they are from Minneapolis/Duluth (as local as Ron). Gregg Stanton brings the rest of the units to the table- he can offer so many more opportunities for us to Try & Dive than any one of our local instructors.  I don't think that it is unfair to include him- he offers such a huge selection! Understand too that a lot of students have traveled and do consider travel to Florida for their training- consistently warm water and longer exposure times for training. 

True I am the one that originally came up with the idea and approached Ghost Ships Festival with it, (also, the event falls under my dive shop's insurance policy, which satisfies the hotel) but it would be short-sighted of me to not be inclusive of others.  The idea was "Rebreathers- experience them" - it has never been about hard sales for training or purchases.  Again, anyone that has come forward and asked to participate has been included to make the experience a better and broader one. 

Everyone is always welcome! 
Thanks for the insight.

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Re: Rebreather Seminar & Demo Under Water Connections - by matt t. - 02-21-2010, 08:43 PM

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