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Thrift store find - Home O2 System
07-02-2012, 05:45 PM,
Thrift store find - Home O2 System
Found it in a thrift store for $12.50.  Came with a bag, bottle, regulator, canula.  Cylinder is almost empty, and needs hydro.(2001 stamp)  Cylinder is about a 20 cft with 2015 psi working, and Catalina manufacture.  The whole system would probably need a good checkout and cleaning.

Might make a good emergency O2 system for somebody!  I just wanted to get it out of the hands of idiots!
DEW >&ltWink)>

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Thrift store find - Home O2 System - by Dewit2it - 07-02-2012, 05:45 PM

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