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Diving in Superior on t he Madeira
12-02-2003, 12:33 PM,
Re:Diving in Superior on t he Madeira
Sorry for the delay in responding.

I would guess the surface temperature to have been around mid30s to high 20s.

I did in fact dive it with Richard and several people that had come up with him. Richard is a super guy and was very relaxed when I showed up at his door. Be warned however that they do not believe in an early start. Just a great group to dive with.

I did not penetrate the wreck as I was trying out a new gear configuration and was making sure I was comfortable before I do.

I did find the area to penetrate though.

My thoughts on this wreck would be to drive up the night before. There is a nice and inexpensive Inn just a few miles down the road. Then do two dives on a Saturday spend the evening bumming around the area. There are a fair amount of places to see. Then get up Sunday and either dive the Silver Bay wreck or if it is iced in do the Madeira again. It was a really pleasant dive and with there being a large debris area (though a lot of salvage went on at this site) you could enjoy several dives. Also the topography was extremely interesting as well. I would also recommend going out to the wreck underwater as opposed to on the surface.


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Re:Diving in Superior on t he Madeira - by puddlejumper1 - 12-02-2003, 12:33 PM

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