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IANTD Free diving instructor course
04-07-2003, 12:11 PM,
Re:IANTD Free diving instructor course
Kirk and Dan are old bud's from Canada. Kirk went down to Cayman to set them up for trimix and nitrox once the govermnet ok'd it a few years ago.

While Kirk was working as Pipin's safety diver, at 400', he decided to try his hand at freedivng. He ended up writing the course material for IAFD. As everything with Pipin goes, it didn't work out. Kirk took the material over to IANTD, for which he was already an instructor trainer, and they adopted it.

The book from Kirk's clinic and the Advanced Freediving book from IANTD are almost identical. Kirk calls it a clinic and offers no c-card because everyone has different abilities. He sees it more like a tennis or ski clinic that one might attend to improve their game rather than just another c-card to add to the wallet.

Dan is also a good guy on the Canadian freediving team. If you can acutally find a shop to run a course through up there more power to you. I can barely find training partners down here, yet alone people willing to pay for a course.

Maybe we can meet at a sort of midpoint, Like Wazee, this summer. Last summer I had a friend of mine double her PB in one morning with me up there, 62'. I know that with the proper gear and a little training she can hit 100' easily.

I have talked to PADI , one of the orginizations that I teach through, about a freediving course a few years ago and they wanted nothing to do with it. Then again, they were against nitrox when it first came out and now they have a trimix course coming out this summer. ???

The video camera would be a great training tool for teaching diving. Kirk used it at the clinic, GUE instructors use it in their basic classes and another friend of mine uses it to teach all of his tec classes. There is no better way to improve than to watch what your doing wrong.


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Re:IANTD Free diving instructor course - by FreediveWI - 04-07-2003, 12:11 PM

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