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05-26-2004, 08:53 AM,
In the southern half of the state you can spear rough fish, like carp, and panfish, like crappie. Bag limits are the same as for line fishing, something like 25 per person per day- I've never gotten close to that.

THe only exceptions are lakes that have trout planted in them- places like Lannon quarry and Devli's lake. In these lakes you can't spear anything! The odd expeception to this rule is Lake Wazee- it has had trout planted there in the past, but you can spearfish there. Even the local warden in that area freedives and speafishes in there.

THere are a few counties that you cannot spear in, something like 6 total. You need to check the DNR guidelins for specifics, but basically anything up in the Hayward area is off limits.

It is legal to spearfish, on scuba, in Wisconsin, but as someone already pointed out it is not considered to be very sporting. It is also legal to use either polespears or spearguns here. I mention this because if anyone has dove the Bahamas, or oter islands, you can only spearfish while freediving and then only with a polespear or Hawian sling.

You do need a basic fishing lisence, but nothing extra.


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Messages In This Thread
Spearfishing - by inthetundra - 05-25-2004, 09:22 PM
Re:Spearfishing - by dfreeman - 05-25-2004, 10:02 PM
Re:Spearfishing - by Omicron - 05-26-2004, 08:36 AM
Re:Spearfishing - by FreediveWI - 05-26-2004, 08:53 AM

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