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UP Diving Recommendations
06-21-2004, 09:51 PM,
Re:UP Diving Recommendations
Munising is a blast!

For charters, we've always used this guy:

A good captain and a good boat. This time of year he may not be running charters too frequently. Last year we were there this time of year (a year ago today, to be exact) and we ended up having to put the buoys on the wrecks we visited. The selvick, smith moore and bermuda are always good. (We took our own boat last year).

We've always stayed here:

Not the greatest campsite as far as forestation goes, but the view from the tent sites lying directly on the shore of Superior can't be beat. It makes up for any other nature the campground may be lacking. I'd highly recommend it.

For some surface interval fun, go to Miners Beach - the east side of, underneath Miners Castle. There are some fun sea caves you can snorkel in and go through (they are not entirely submerged - the waves push you through them and are VERY cool). My girlfriend and I also had a lot of fun just diving the rock walls, looking for coins that people had thrown in the water.

For Whitefish Point, we stayed here last year, and will do so again this year:

A BEAUTIFUL campground - heavily forested and a river running right past our site. Very nice place...and it's absolutely huge. The falls are cool to go see too. The nice thing about Whitefish is you are done diving by 1:00PM and can go do other things during the rest of the day.

For diving, we used . This guy was AWESOME. One of the best boat captain's I've ever met. We are really looking forward to diving with him again.

We did the Vienna - 120-145' of water, a beautiful wreck, one of my favorites. Still has a lifeboat on the deck. Also did the Sadie Thompson, and overturned barge, and the Panther, which is a very busted up wreck but neat to go through the wreckage.

Anyway...that's my take on the two areas Smile

Messages In This Thread
UP Diving Recommendations - by jasondbaker - 06-21-2004, 09:07 PM
Re:UP Diving Recommendations - by Omicron - 06-21-2004, 09:51 PM
Re:UP Diving Recommendations - by jasondbaker - 06-22-2004, 11:20 AM
Re:UP Diving Recommendations - by Omicron - 06-22-2004, 11:30 AM
Re:UP Diving Recommendations - by DiveCaptDean - 06-22-2004, 03:40 PM
Re:UP Diving Recommendations - by Omicron - 06-22-2004, 03:46 PM

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