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Shipwreck hunters and divers, what's on your 'list'?
08-21-2004, 03:31 PM,
Re:Shipwreck hunters and divers, what's on your 'list'?
The Ashatabula was reported to have been a regular dive site that was visted by local charter boats back in the 60's. Diver's got old and died but never passed on the numbers- or so the story goes.

There were also, lots, of rumors about the Senator being found some time ago by another old timer who never gave up the numbers. 20 miles off of Port Washington is a big area to cover.

I an tell you that Jerry and I have made many a dive on a clay mound or a HUGE rock on the bottom where we were sure there was a wreck. Since he got his new side scan there having been as many repeats since it is so much more accurate. It is really amazing how some of those clazy mounds can look just like a hull if they are formed in the right way.

There are SO many things to look for that it would be hard to find a place to start. I can say that I have seen some pretty interesting side scan images in the Milwaukee vicinity. Wink

I did get a chance to freedive on some of the new wrecks that Jerry found this spring. It would have been nice if he could have found them about ten years ago- before the zebra mussles started covering everything and took half the fun out of wreck diving.



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Re:Shipwreck hunters and divers, what's on your 'list'? - by FreediveWI - 08-21-2004, 03:31 PM

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