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Questionnaire: Dive Boat Practices
09-05-2004, 08:21 PM,
Re:Questionnaire: Dive Boat Practices
Around here, limits are mostly set by your No Deco Time. The most common wrecks are deep enough that you run out of No Deco before you run out of air. This is the limit I use...If you are not trained to dive decompression, you dont dive it on my boat. A mistake.. I can handle....once...If you intentionallly dive past dont dive on my boat. I let people run their computers...i usually check the wheel, and have divers run a plan for me before their second or third dive. This way i know what to expect from each of them. lets me know if they know how to use their computer...Which is a good thing. Generally, i am a TAXI service to the wrecks...BUT i will not let people dive unsafe...

I dont think i have ever been told that i have to end my dive at a certain time. I have done 58 minutes in Cancun..without any problems from DM's..I think once you let the DMs know that you are capable, they tend to let you dive your dive...

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Re:Questionnaire: Dive Boat Practices - by DiveCaptDean - 09-05-2004, 08:21 PM

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