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I finally got in the Pool!
06-12-2005, 11:17 AM,
I finally got in the Pool!
With my dry suit in the water, everything turned out perfect. It made my day! It felt so COOL when the argon was put into my dry suit. While we were there my friend Drew went and tested this re-usable tubing I hope to use when I actually start diving, and it was able to withstand the pressure at 10 ft, so there’s one more thing to cross of the list lol. Here's a link to see my pictures...

The guy with the wet suit on is Drew, he's my friend that is also a dive instructor, helped out with the dry suit and all. His finacee Marcie is the lady in the other wet suit, she is also an dive instructor. The one holding my head is a therapist at the center and there was another therapist at my feet for my first session. The lady with the black swimsuit on is my nurse Sara.There were 2 photographers there as well, and another story about me is due to come out in my local newspaper this weekend. I will be posting that as well.

Almost everyone wanted to dunk me so bad... but I didn't bring my AGA mask with for the first session lol. So next time that is the plan! After things settle down here a little bit, I hope to start going there weekly for some pool time.
With all that happened I feel one step closer to joining you all under the water!

Take care everyone and safe diving.

Matt 8)

Messages In This Thread
I finally got in the Pool! - by scuba diving Matt - 06-12-2005, 11:17 AM
Re: I finally got in the Pool! - by Omicron - 06-12-2005, 04:02 PM
Re: I finally got in the Pool! - by scubert - 06-13-2005, 07:24 AM
Re: I finally got in the Pool! - by Rik - 06-13-2005, 06:27 PM

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