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New Lake Mendota dive hazard...
06-16-2005, 01:22 PM,
New Lake Mendota dive hazard...
According to Mark 'Koz' Kosikowski (local Madison dive instructor and the guy responsible for installing the mooring pins in the lake), the new UW/M.G.&E. cogeneration plant has started drawing in water through its intake, which is located in the Area #1 mooring field, in the vicinity of mooring #17. Mark has reported that he could feel the water flowing strongly towards the intake from ~100 yards away. It is unlikely that the intake, which is in ~15' of water, poses a hazard. However, he does want everyone to be aware of it. In particular, weak swimmers should avoid being in or under the water in that area of the field. There is a possibility that a warning buoy may be placed over the intake.

According to the people at the cogeneration plant, the intake doesn't likely present a threat to anyone other than weak swimmers who happen to be hanging out near the bottom of the lake in the area in front of the intake.

Just an FYI as well as a YIKES!!

Messages In This Thread
New Lake Mendota dive hazard... - by schultz - 06-16-2005, 01:22 PM

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