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New to wiscuba gps cordinates needed!!!
07-06-2005, 10:03 AM,
Re: New to wiscuba gps cordinates needed!!!
Lowgear....nice meeting you on Friday night.  My dive to the Lumberman went great (my first Lake Michigan wreck).  I'll shoot you that email we talked about.

p.s.  All the info here is really good.
p.p.s.  I trolled for 2 hours after diving and got skunked.  Sad  I guess I didn't expect much from 10am-noon....too late.

Messages In This Thread
Re: New to wiscuba gps cordinates needed!!! - by Omicron - 07-06-2005, 06:39 AM
Re: New to wiscuba gps cordinates needed!!! - by fishchaser - 07-06-2005, 10:03 AM

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