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New to wiscuba gps cordinates needed!!!
07-06-2005, 02:21 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-06-2005, 02:28 AM by LowGear.)
New to wiscuba gps cordinates needed!!!
8) New to this forum.  I am a new bubble junkie!  Just getting into diving in the area around Burlington and Kenosha.  I received my OW cert in Nov. Also did my classroom for AOW,and Nitrox.  Just have to do my advanced dives with Diver Dan's to get my cards. I am getting my boat geared up for the big pond and would greatly appreciate any and all gps cordnates!  I have a 19' bayliner trophy center console and have been out there a few miles fishing. But now being an addicted I don't think I'll be touching my fishing gear in a while.
I have just over 20 dives and went down to 108' in mexico and plan on hitting everywhere around here soon. I have my own gear suited for ice and just  received my drysuit and getting that cert soon as I can get in the water with an instructer.
  I would appreciate any and all ideas on gearing up the boat,finding buddies to dive with such as clubs,or even other web sites, and any usefull links for gps cordinates or simular  dive related sites.
  I have a garmin street pilot that gives me my GPS within5'-10'. Will that be sufficiant in locating some of the wrecks out there or is a depth finder or graph better suited without having to buy a side scan quite yet?  Is there a reasonably priced unit out there if GPS alone isn't sufficiant.
  Plz let me know!
thnx, Loren aka: LowGear

Messages In This Thread
New to wiscuba gps cordinates needed!!! - by LowGear - 07-06-2005, 02:21 AM
Re: New to wiscuba gps cordinates needed!!! - by Omicron - 07-06-2005, 06:39 AM

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