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Hi guys more good news!
10-07-2005, 03:26 PM,
Hi guys more good news!
I did 17 minutes under the water today, it was a blast!  I can’t wait for when I get up to 30 minutes or more, and I am also anxiously awaiting for when I can flip over onto my stomach in the pool under the water as well.  That’s going to be a ton of fun.  If all goes well I hope to do a dive at Wazee Lake next year at the DUI DOG Rally and Demo days.  That would be awesome, I can handle the cooler water, won’t be a problem.  That should be a great place to dive with lots of help.  I’ll pass on ice diving though.

I added some pictures to here from my dive today…..
I was hoping to add the videos but I am out of space on my web site!  We got some pretty good ones, I didn’t have air in my mask this time, it was a little foggy unfortunately.  I need to get my own rig.  I’m hooked on diving. 

Take care and hope to see you underwater soon!

Matt ;D


Messages In This Thread
Hi guys more good news! - by scuba diving Matt - 10-07-2005, 03:26 PM
Re: Hi guys more good news! - by MikeS - 10-07-2005, 04:38 PM

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