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New TV Show Online "Superior Adventures TV"
11-23-2005, 11:26 AM,
Re: New TV Show Online "Superior Adventures TV"

Thanks for the feed back
The target auidence for SATV is general divers and underwater enthusists ages 22- 70 most likley male.  The video that is playing now is one wreck in the rough cut of a show called Lost Beacons that features 4 wrecks along the North Shore of Lake Superior that is geared toward a general Audience for midwest PBS distribution.   

The site as it is now is Beta keep checking it out for updates or subscribe through Itunes 6 or any other RSS aggregator like Fireant

I am still formulating the best format for the show which will be updated once a week after my web guy steamlines the system for me. 
We are also looking for content from other people and there diving adventures also.
Thanks <br />Jay Cole<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Email:<br />Phone: 218-349-1366

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Re: New TV Show Online "Superior Adventures TV" - by videodiver9 - 11-23-2005, 11:26 AM

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