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Deep Blue Is Proud To Announce a GUE DIR Fundamentals Class
03-23-2006, 08:13 AM,
Deep Blue Is Proud To Announce a GUE DIR Fundamentals Class
Michael Kane a GUE Instructor will be teaching a DIR Fundamentals class June 23-25 at Haigh Quarry.  This will coincide with the Midwestern Halcyon Demo Days at Haigh Quarry and allow participants the opportunity to try some of the latest equipment while taking their class.

Global Underwater Explorers emerged out of a shared desire to safely explore and protect the underwater world and to improve the quality of education and research in all things aquatic. In line with the original vision of its founding members, GUE is committed to:

• Developing safe, skilled, and knowledgeable divers
• Undertaking and promoting underwater research
• Pursuing global underwater exploration
• Safeguarding the integrity of the underwater world
• Providing the public with a comprehensive resource on all things aquatic.

Working to redefine the ties binding the average underwater enthusiast to underwater explorers, conservationists and scientific researchers GUE is committed to the overall goal of promoting the interests of the underwater world and of those who seek to engage it.

The DIR Fundamentals course is designed to cultivate the essential techniques required by all sound diving practice, irrespective of level or environment. Functioning as a prerequisite for all other GUE classes, save its recreational diver course (forthcoming), DIR Fundamentals performs a three-fold function within the GUE curriculum: 1) it provides the recreational diver, in whom there is no desire for further diver training, with a context in which to advance his/her basic diving skills, thereby developing more comfort, confidence, and competence in the water; and 2) it provides the diver with aspirations of more advanced diver training with the tools that will contribute to a greater likelihood of success; and 3) it provides non-GUE trained divers with a gateway into GUE training.

The cost of the course is $399 and space is limited please call or email us to confirm your spot early!

Deep Blue
(414) 964-3483

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Deep Blue Is Proud To Announce a GUE DIR Fundamentals Class - by NEHDAD - 03-23-2006, 08:13 AM

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