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Did my yearly ice dive
03-29-2006, 08:05 AM,
Did my yearly ice dive
This year as in the past I tried to do a warm water and ice dive in the same month. 

Ice was dense and had to cut one layer then the other.
Not sure what size blade buddy brought but they got the job done.

Water was cold, My Citizen watch read  31 degrees. Which makes no sense.  32 degrees is freezing.

Dive computer (12 years old) only reads temp at depth and does not keep it. So I have no idea how cold it was. ;D Probably around 34-36. Vis was 10-15 feet.

Had to use my old drysuit. Which is way too big and had to add lots of weight so I could inflate and stay warm.
(new drysuit is on order)

Tell me why sawing the ice takes over and hour and diving only takes around 17 minutes?  ( kinda think it is the cold hands) ( will be getting dry gloves when get new dry suit).

What did we see.... ? what do you usually see ?  sand a couple logs and a few crawfish LOL 

But it's diving  Big Grin 



Messages In This Thread
Did my yearly ice dive - by pink_fins - 03-29-2006, 08:05 AM
Re: Did my yearly ice dive - by dfreeman - 04-01-2006, 02:48 PM
Re: Did my yearly ice dive - by dean810 - 03-29-2006, 02:45 PM
Re: Did my yearly ice dive - by Rik - 03-29-2006, 05:37 PM
Re: Did my yearly ice dive - by Chris H - 03-29-2006, 06:09 PM

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