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How 'bout a decompression theory thread? (OC Deco gases with helium)
06-16-2006, 02:13 PM,
Re: How 'bout a decompression theory thread? (OC Deco gases with helium)
Yeah sorry, I wasn't really in dive mode when I came out there but after making some of the best dives I've ever done I got kinda revved up.  Started thinking I might be doin a lot more deep diving this season.  I get bored unless challenged or learning.  I've been to 234 on the Kamloops and am told I can get 270 so I'm gonna do that in a few weeks.  I've heard you say you use helium in your deco mixes.  I want to learn the theory and why I should be using it.  Any info and resources would be appreciated.  And no I almost always use 36 and usually dont get any narcosis when I switch over although I do get narced easily prolly from lack of confidence(experience).  I've never felt the slightest hint of DCS, no pain or discomfort.  If anything I feel better after a good mix dive.  Of course I am totally buff. >Big Grin

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Re: How 'bout a decompression theory thread? (OC Deco gases with helium) - by Corndogg - 06-16-2006, 02:13 PM

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