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How 'bout a decompression theory thread? (OC Deco gases with helium)
06-17-2006, 06:01 AM,
Re: How 'bout a decompression theory thread? (OC Deco gases with helium)

Primary reasons, not necessarily in order of importance depending on the dive:

1.  Ease the transition between backgas and deco gas.  Gradually lower the pHe so I'm not risking any possibility of inner ear DCS.
2.  Take advantage of deepstops and still use a 1.6 pO2 without adding a significant amount of nitrogen in the deco gas.
3.  Reduce narcosis on deco.
4. More practice at blending and spending quality time watching gauges while drinking the beverage of my choice. ;D

Messages In This Thread
Re: How 'bout a decompression theory thread? (OC Deco gases with helium) - by Vtach - 06-17-2006, 06:01 AM

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