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Island City
08-14-2006, 01:47 PM,
Re: Island City
Nice video.  I dover her earlier this year and I bet you and I have been the only ones on her this year and probably last year too.  She is a bugger to find on the sonar.  Each time I have missed the wreck with the anchor and have to motor off on the scooter to find the wreck and remember where to look for the anchor.  Of course it would be worse to drop the 30lb navy anchor in the middle of one of those nets though.  I am glad your enjoying the wreck as we apear to be the only two.

Also I hit the Mahoning earlier this year too.  On of these days we should run into each other.

Have fun

Messages In This Thread
Island City - by moneysavr - 08-14-2006, 04:43 AM
Re: Island City - by underwateraddict - 08-14-2006, 01:47 PM
Re: Island City - by LKunze - 08-14-2006, 02:25 PM
Re: Island City - by moneysavr - 08-14-2006, 04:58 PM

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