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UFO and F-89 from 1953 crash in Lake Superior Discovered?
10-01-2006, 06:26 PM,
Re: UFO and F-89 from 1953 crash in Lake Superior Discovered?
You're right, their server looks down (traffic?) and I kept looking for depth info which you'd think would be the first thing a diver would mention in any article or interview. Then again, as secretive as divers are about locations of sites, it wouldn't surprise me to see that omitted intentionally.

It definitely sounds like a fish tale in many respects, including the fact that the interview was done and presented by some kooky lady who does nothing but UFO stories. This is coming from the UFO, not the diving or archeology community, but the same community that hosts Star Trek conventions.

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Re: UFO and F-89 from 1953 crash in Lake Superior Discovered? - by WIdiver_Paul - 10-01-2006, 06:26 PM

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