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The Willie
06-27-2003, 10:46 AM,
Re:The Willie
Are you mapping the areas off of the wreck as well?

THere is a lot of interesting stuff out there, debris fields, mooring blocks, one area of tiles, torpedo floats, man made trenches, lift bags and a wide assortment of lost dive gear.

I was never huge into DIR until I had one too many experiences rescuing strokes and it almost sent me running to them, DIR, to look for something safer.

In the past 20+ years I have never even so much as run low on air, but yould would be surprised at how many instructors and tec-divers have run out and had to have others bail them out from their own messes. DIR is the safest system that I have found so far, but if something else came along I would try it out in a heart beat.

I have had the rare advantage of working for many different shops, and charter boats, over the years and have seen just about everyway you can do something right, or wrong, and the DIR crowd seem to have most of the parts put together much better than anyother group that I have had the chance to dive with.

The best expereince that Ihave ever had is from working on a charter boat. Instead of hear how one or two shops do things allof the time, you get to see one or two different shops on every charter. Mulitply that by two charters a day and over the course of just one season, let alone many, you'll be exposed to most everything out there in very short order. The only thing better would to be working on a charter down in the islands, although those are mostly beginners and not the more advanced type of divers that we normally see out on Lake Michigan.


Messages In This Thread
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Re:The Willie - by scubert - 08-05-2004, 05:44 PM
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Re:The Willie - by FreediveWI - 06-27-2003, 10:08 AM
Re:The Willie - by scubert - 06-27-2003, 10:22 AM
Re:The Willie - by FreediveWI - 06-27-2003, 10:46 AM
Re:The Willie - by scubert - 06-27-2003, 11:45 AM
Re:The Willie - by dfreeman - 06-29-2003, 04:40 PM

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