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Steam Pump aboard the wreck of the Mahoning
12-23-2006, 05:42 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-25-2006, 10:24 AM by moneysavr.)
Re: Steam Pump aboard the wreck of the Mahoning
I just seen your post I am Brad  the diver that made the find public and a diver that has dove the site a few times,the pump is not on site as it fell of prior to her sinking and lies a hundred or so feet south of her and is in good shape, a anchor chain leads to the site as it seems to at one time wraped arond the base to keep it from rolling on deck, one of the neat points is this pump stands about 4 1/2 ' tall, has wheels to move it so it was a pump to be moved,on deck a 16" realy 2 6' suction lines still run out of the deck were they were smashed or pushed into the hold and lay broke off above deck,still laying on the deck is the one steel plate that kept the cinders from starting a fire 4 feet circle,
In her fire box still lays several pieces of fire wood, the steam whistle seems to be cut off by prior looters/ discovers?
I have not brushed the fire box door off to get a name but I bet its been done by now, the fire door and clean out doors still open and close today! and as to looting the site after my making the site public,seems the divers that do diver her pile items not a good idea but items I have videoed and shot pics of all be it not much value but in the old days would be gone still ply the wreck site so good job to all the new class of divers and thanks!
Send me a e-mail and I can send you photos, Tons of video,of the pump.

But the best pump on a Great Lakes Lake Michigan wreck is on the W.B.Allen in 165'FSW of water off Cleaveland,Wisconsin as this pump lays fully rigged and if you added fire wood looks like it would start to pump again! a much smaller pump than the one not salvaged from the mahonning  1/3 scale but for sure a fine steam pump and I have several photos taken by my dear pal and dive bud Swimjim on this site as he may post???? As I am on the way home as I type from warm Florida to the depths of winter in Wisconsin at this time well rain!
Brad Ingersoll

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Re: Steam Pump aboard the wreck of the Mahoning - by moneysavr - 12-23-2006, 05:42 AM

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