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Red Granite...
04-27-2006, 01:44 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-27-2006, 01:45 PM by LKunze.)
Re: Red Granite...
I've been using a goldcore wetsuit hood for the past few years with my TLS350 drysuit.  It's been plenty warm and easy to get on and off.  The only downside is that the collar isn't tapered to tuck close to your skin from under the chin to the base of the neck.  There is a gap and that allows water to flow in between the hood and your neck seal even when the bib of the hood is tucked into the warm neck collar on the drysuit.  This sucks when your neck seal is a little bit looser than it should be and can let water in when turning my head.  :Smile I may go back to my old crappy DiveRite hood without the warm neck collar just so that the hood fits tighter to my neck seal.  I think the DUI hood has a better fit for the neck than a standard wetsuit hood.  I could be wrong as I've never tried one.
04-27-2006, 03:46 PM,
Re: Red Granite...

I think Todd may need to weigh in on this one...he is more familiar with the symptoms.

Piles (hemorrhoids), diarrhea, constipation, cranial-rectal inversion, anal retention, hair loss, radiation know, all that crazy, wicked stuff....all thanks to Gold Core....;D 
04-27-2006, 05:08 PM,
Re: Red Granite...

I think Todd may need to weigh in on this one...he is more familiar with the symptoms.

Piles (hemorrhoids), diarrhea, constipation, cranial-rectal inversion, anal retention, hair loss, radiation know, all that crazy, wicked stuff....all thanks to Gold Core....;D 


That is funny.  How long until they figure out who made that famous wiscuba quote...
04-28-2006, 03:27 PM,
Re: Red Granite...
I hit Redgranite with snorkle again today.  While still clear, the viz is starting to drop a little at the surface.  There was a little cloud about a foot thick at the surface near any of the old weed patches.  Further out you could barely see the bottom on the first dropoff from the surface.  The trout have figured out that the little floating balls are food, but they haven't figured it out that I'm it's source.  They still give wide berth, but a few are comming closer.  See my post on fish food for more.

My lift bag came in, but I'm still waiting on my regulator and cylinders to come back from annual inspection.  So it looks like another week before I can setup the compass course.
DEW >&ltWink)>
04-28-2006, 03:35 PM,
Re: Red Granite...
Confucius say, never have all of your tanks due at the same time...
05-05-2006, 09:24 AM,
Re: Red Granite...
Spent the last two days feeding the fish on snorkel.  The trout are getting closer, and will get up to 2' from you.  They love the dry pellet koi foods that rise and float on the surface.  On Wednesday I named two of the trout Hook and Clipper.  Hook had a hook in him and was trailing 6" of fishline.  Clipper has most of his dorsal fin missing.  Both would come close and follow me around.  Scarface is a bluegill with a patch of skin missing on his nose, and also tends to follow me.

WARNING!  Soak the dry food before feeding it to them.  I found Hook  yesterday dead on the bottom.  :'( He had gorged himself on the not fully soaked pellets, which expanded and popped his stomach.  The deeply embedded fishhook did play a role, however. 

Viz is dropping a little.  In the corners, pollen is collecting and getting stirred up by the wind.  Yesterday the thermocline was around 10-12'.  At the first dropoff on the East side of the bay, vis dropped to 10-15' below the thermocline.  The West side was still good.

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DEW >&ltWink)>
05-06-2006, 10:36 PM,
Re: Red Granite...
Had to change my entry/exit to back of the propane dealer today.  Too many fishermen back by the pickle factory this morning.  Found the last golf ball prize from Divers Realm sitting at 20' from the quarry cleanout last fall.  I stopped in, and won 5 air fills. Big Grin

Most of the fish were hanging on the pinnicle.  There a group of around 40 gills came right away to the food.  Then the trout started comming in staying around 15' down.  Then they started working up to the surface.  After the food ran out the trout started swimming with me in a large school.  They then stopped following when I came across a bobber with bait from a fisherman that took up position at my exit point.  I think the trout are still in "farm" mode, and only think the pellets are food, not the bait the fishermen are using.  I also noticed a lot of the trout look like they have ick on them, or injuries.
DEW >&ltWink)>
05-16-2006, 06:47 PM,
Re: Red Granite...
Yeah!! The Sun's out!! Big Grin  Had another bunch of fisherman sitting right on top of the pickle factory in/out points. >Sad  So I hit the propane dealer area again.

I got to play with my new lift bag and set a small statue on top of the pinicle.  I wish I could have done it on scuba, but no partners.  I had to dive on it around ten times before I could get the bag to deflate enough to unhook it.  I finally had to hold the valve body and pull the cord, otherwise all the dump line would do is try pulling the bag inside out.

Looks like the fishermen are hitting the trout hard.  After setting the statue, I returned with food and had a group of around 10 trout.  That's down quite a bit from the schools of 40-50 or more.  A couple of small gills took up residence near the statue, and one of the carp swam thru.  The trout were gorging themselves on the food so much that they would puke some up and go for more.  Only animals that are starving do that.  Maybe the DNR should hear about that.

Vis has dropped to 15-20 ft, and the thermocline seems to be around 3-4 ft down all over.  There is a ton of cottonwood fluff on the water, and the lot by the pickle factory looked like a couple of inches of snow had fallen.

Watch out by the boats! :o  FISHLINE! :o

I removed 3 lines from each of the boats. (Can barely see the boats from the surface)

I also stopped by lakes Huron and Emily.  Looks like the rain has them clouded up too.
DEW >&ltWink)>
05-19-2006, 08:03 PM,
Re: Red Granite...
Stopped in today to have some fun and take pics of the statue.  After I was in the water about a half hour, some boys from Precision Sports showed up.  Looked like it was some sort of tech class.

Saw some real nice gills, one was a wall mount waiting to happen.  They weren't too interested in the food, and I think most are in guard the nest mode.  The bass nest I saw the other day didn't look like any made it.  Lots of bacterial growth on the eggs.  Didn't see many trout but got a good pic of one that liked comming in close.  They might be sitting in the colder water below.

I could still see the boats from the surface.  The divers said that the upper 15-20 ft is good, but at 30 ft it's pretty bad.  They decided not to try to find the deep boat because of it.

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DEW >&ltWink)>
05-20-2006, 07:11 PM,
Re: Red Granite...
Last dive we decided to go for it and find the boat at 82 feet.  Vis was good in the first level (20')  not bad on the second level but when we got to the 45-65 foot range it got really soupy.  Vis went to 2 feet and maybe you could see a light at 6 feet. It was tough staying all together but once we dropped down out of the 65 foot range it opeded up again and the vis was about 10-15.  Found the boat at 82 feet, vis was 10-15 feet water temp was 39 degees. 

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