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Great Lakes deco reg?
07-07-2007, 09:24 AM,
Great Lakes deco reg?
Does a simple, reliable, unsealed, unbalanced piston reg like the AL Calypso or Scubapro MK2+/R190 combo work reasonably in the 70' to 20' range given the low temps?

I realize it isn't going to breathe like an AL Legend or Apeks XTX, but I'm concerned about cold icing given the temps.

I've read that these are safer than full balanced diaphragm regs for high O2 percentages because less o-rings are exposed to the high pressure. And because in a failure, you can swap them between tanks underwater. And less parts is easier to fully O2 clean them.

Thoughts? What do you use in those waters?
07-07-2007, 01:25 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-07-2007, 01:26 PM by matt t..)
Re: Great Lakes deco reg?
I use Apeks DS4's and DST's with ATX and TX 50 2nds. All my regs are inter-changeable, and use the same service kits. The 2 regs you mention are NOT known as cold water regulators. Most of the time on tech dives you are spending more time on the deco regs than you are on back gas regs. Don't cheap out on them. I have also heard of people switching diaphragm 1st stages underwater (fresh water) with no ill effects on the reg upon later inspection. IMO, you want to try to standardize your gear to keep a smaller parts inventory and interchangeability should the need come up. YMMV Wink
07-07-2007, 09:13 PM,
Re: Great Lakes deco reg?
I would stick with a "workhorse" regulator for deco regs.  What comes to mind for me are Apeks TX50/DS4 or ScubaPro G250/Mk25.  They are reliable, parts are easy to get and they perform well.  They are not the cheapest but not big dollar with all kind of bells and whistles either.  I use Apeks ATX200 and TX50 for backgas and TX50/DST's for deco regs.  Looking back, I wish I would have bought all DS4's for first stages for both backgas and deco.  I'm happy with the performance of what I have now but like Matt said, the standardization factor is helpful.  I know that Chris H uses all ScubaPro with G250HP/Mk25 and he has been real happy with them.  I thought that the Scubapro regs even come with a "free parts on service" with their new regs when bought from a retailer. 

07-08-2007, 04:56 AM,
Re: Great Lakes deco reg?
Both of my regs are G250/Mk10, and it's free parts as long as you own it and keep it serviced annually.  If you let it drop, then you pay for the parts to get the warranty back into effect.  It pays to keep the warranty in effect. 

The G250/Mk10 is an approved regulator for US Navy use.  The Mk25/600 is also on the list if I remember correctly.

I do have a Mk2/R190, but that's for a SASY rig and modeling use.
DEW >&ltWink)>
07-08-2007, 12:13 PM,
Re: Great Lakes deco reg?
Zeagle DSV's w/ZX seconds are good too, same performance as the Apeks DS4/TX, ATX, XTX and they come with free parts if purchased from an authorized dealer. 
07-08-2007, 07:49 PM,
Re: Great Lakes deco reg?
Like Todd mentioned, I have been very happy with my Scubapro MK25/G250HP combination.  I have 5 right now and haven't had any problems.
The Apex warranty is similar, but I believe it is parts every other year, with an inspection in between.

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