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HP versus LP steel tanks
07-20-2011, 02:19 PM,
HP versus LP steel tanks
Which do you prefer, and why? 
Just wondering
07-20-2011, 05:45 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-20-2011, 05:52 PM by matt t..)
Re: HP versus LP steel tanks
It depends on what size tanks you are looking at. The upside of the HP tanks is that you can get more gas in a smaller package due to the higher pressures (IF you can consistently get FULL hp fills). The upside to the LP tanks is that you usually get full fills due to the lower fill pressures. The down side to the LP tanks is the larger size/weight of the tanks for their volume when compared to the HP tanks of the same volumes. Personally I'd always go for the HP tanks, even if they're not completely "full" after cooling down they always have more gas in them than the equivalant sized LP cylinder. You always hear about "cave fills" and other non-sense about over filling in other places of the country. Over filling is not a common practice here in Wisconsin (for good reason), so I buy/bought the appropriate sized cylinders for what I know I need and can get filled, not something smaller I hope I can overfill. YMMV.
07-20-2011, 09:20 PM,
Re: HP versus LP steel tanks
I have a low pressure 95 and four lp 72's...the only high pressure tanks I can compare them to are my buddies HP 100's which seem to be quite heavy compared to my 95.  With that little bit of comparison, I prefer the low pressure because they seem lighter to me and I'm typically guaranteed a full fill.
07-21-2011, 07:21 AM,
Re: HP versus LP steel tanks
I seem to have better trim with my LP108s than in my HP100s!  I will say the weight differnce is huge them 108s are heavy!  I like the fact that with the LPs it is very easy to home blend due to the lower pressure!  Am Most shops will fill up to 3000psi! 
07-21-2011, 07:27 AM,
Re: HP versus LP steel tanks
When i was diving OC I routinely pumped my LP95's to around 3200psi giving me something like 115CF of gas. Now just use them to drive my booster when not using my shop compressor. But still fill to around 3200-3400psi

07-21-2011, 08:04 AM,
Re: HP versus LP steel tanks
Them 108s Al I get filled to 3000 have 122cu per cylinder!  when I can get a great fill an they are blended for it at 3500 I have 142 per cylinder!Which when comparred to Matt means I don't have to carry a bottom stage when he does!  Rarely have they ever gotten filled like that though! 
  I will bitch about the weight until there in the water!  then I love them!  Until its ladder time again :'(
07-21-2011, 08:57 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-21-2011, 08:59 AM by matt t..)
Re: HP versus LP steel tanks
Jeff, I used to use bottom stages on trips to extend the gas in my doubles. I liked to have all needed gas for a trip filled before hand whenever possible. By using extra aluminum 80's as bottom stages you can avoid wasting trip time filling tanks and avoid the expense and maintenance on extra sets of steel doubles. With a rebreather, it's become even easier! If you can find a shop that's willing to illegally fill your tank past it's DOT rating I wouldn't brag about it.
07-21-2011, 09:27 AM,
Re: HP versus LP steel tanks
I guess it boils down to personal prefernce!  I like my LPs they fit me well for trim an dive very nice for me!  I do have a set of HP 100s an they are light an easy to handel But I cant get consistent fills on them in the State!  Most shops will do a decent fill on a LP!
07-21-2011, 12:33 PM,
Re: HP versus LP steel tanks
Exactly. See, we DO agree once in a great while.
07-21-2011, 11:24 PM,
Re: HP versus LP steel tanks
Exactly. See, we DO agree once in a great while.
[/quote] ;D

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