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Wazee conditions?
03-04-2004, 05:33 PM,
Wazee conditions?
How thick is the ice at Wazee? Can we expect a thaw anytime soon??? Thanks

- Chris in Iowa
03-04-2004, 06:14 PM,
Re:Wazee conditions?
Still good ice out at Lake Wazee.

Best person to contact to keep up to date is Wazee Sport Center.

Andy (mrclean) on this board is another good source for the latest on Lake Wazee.

03-04-2004, 11:07 PM,
Re:Wazee conditions?
Ice is still plenty thick on Wazee--12-14 inches, but its starting to get a little sloppy on top with slush and water. Course its snowing like crazy right now, but that could be melted by Saturday if I saw the weather report right.

Regardless, we will be out on Saturday 10-4ish. As of right now, there are approximately 30 divers at last count that expect to be out there.

At a minimum there will be two holes cut. Hot food and refreshments provided for a nominal fee of $10.

Can't wait, one last ice dive before it all melts.

03-05-2004, 08:25 AM,
Re:Wazee conditions?
One last dive? Heck, I'm bringing as many tanks as I can fit in my truck ;D
03-05-2004, 02:47 PM,
Re:Wazee conditions?

Any of you guys planning on diving on Sunday? Chris and I will be at Ghost Ships on Saturday. I was hoping to dive the Willy or Milwaukee on Sunday but the weather forecast is looking a bit shaky right now. Chris is also whining about having a cold and being tired ;D Later mang

03-05-2004, 02:51 PM,
Re:Wazee conditions?

It will be the Willy if they get out. Sea sick and sinus issues sound great to me. You aren't even down here and you are trash talking already!
03-05-2004, 03:09 PM,
Re:Wazee conditions?
Yeah, we were looking to dive Sunday too (hopefully...).

Al, Doug and I are definitely up for it. George is, I think. We're just not sure where yet.
03-05-2004, 03:57 PM,
Re:Wazee conditions?
Sorry Chris, I just couldn't resist the temptation ;D I don't think you will have ANY problem getting me back. Hopefully I have shamed you into diving on Sunday regardless of where we go. If there is a good ice dive going on somewhere I don't have a problem skipping the Willy and staying nearer to terra firma. I just want to get out and dive this Sunday. I'd be up for running to Wazee on Sunday, at least the holes should still be open from Saturday. Jason, got any ideas?
03-05-2004, 04:34 PM,
Re:Wazee conditions?
I'll be the holes from your dive last weekend in Red Granite are still open too.
03-05-2004, 06:19 PM,
Re:Wazee conditions?
The ice wasn't that thick last weekend and with all the rain, can you get out there safely?

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