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Red Granite...
06-28-2004, 06:40 AM,
Red Granite...
There's a new "attraction" in Red Granite.

A while back some friends of mine found a plastic dumpster in the deep hole (119') of Red Granite. This weekend, we decided to raise it.

We went down to the dumpster and got a couple of lift bags on it. While George and I were tying on a 100lb bag, Al was filling the 250lb bag. We weren't sure how much we needed so we had a few more 250's and a 500 at the ready.

All it took was the 250 though - as soon as Al got that one filled, the corner started moving up while George and I were getting the 100 ready. Next thing you know, the dumpster is moving past us and we are all looking at each other and a trail of silt Smile

We did a free ascent and followed the silt upwards - hung out for three minutes at 20 and then went to the surface. There was the dumpster - we hauled it over to the shallows again and re-sunk it.

We spent our second dive filling it with rocks - not sure how many we got in there, because after hauling around all these rocks we silted the living crud out of the place.

It was fun - now we need to find something else on the deep end...there's nothing to look at over there anymore Smile
06-28-2004, 07:24 AM,
Re:Red Granite...
must have just missed ya,

and shold have given ya the pop cans....
06-28-2004, 07:30 AM,
Re:Red Granite...
Pop cans??

What day were you there? We were there from about 9 - 12 on Sat...
06-28-2004, 07:44 AM,
Re:Red Granite...
geeze just missed 1ish on sat....
06-28-2004, 07:51 AM,
Re:Red Granite...
Ah - now I understand the pop cans - just read your other post Smile
06-28-2004, 06:54 PM,
Re:Red Granite...
Great to see the dumpster has emerged from the depths. I can just imagine the silt trail from this project.

Perhaps a good place to put the beer cans and bottles we find on these dives. Could fill that dumpster quickly.

Where did you leave it?

06-28-2004, 08:05 PM,
Re:Red Granite...
If you were heading towards the snowmobile, over to the deep spot, it would be to the left of the snowmobile on about the 15-20 foot shelf. Definitely a good spot for the trash Smile
07-08-2004, 08:53 PM,
Re:Red Granite...
Just got back a little while ago from diving Redgranite. Had a pretty decent dive. We made our way down to the deep end, finding the deep boat. We then spent the rest of our dive making our way up to the shallower cliff faces and then cruising around right about the thermocline at about 20 feet. Poor doug didn't have his full insulation, so we had to stay warm Smile

Viz was great to about 20 feet - I'd say around 15 feet or so. From 20 to 40 was decent. 40-60 was pretty murky and pea soupish. The rest of the way down to 80 we had about 6 feet of viz, but with that typical Redgranite haze and blackness. Temps above the first thermocline were a balmy 68 - down deeper it was 40.

It was a very good dive. Had some fun practicing my valve drills on my new doubles...theres some room for improvement Smile

All in all, it was a great dive - relaxing, saw the sights of red granite and had an awesome time. Glad we made it out there.
07-11-2004, 09:55 PM,
Re:Red Granite...
I have not heard of or seen a crane in Red Granite. I do ot believe there is one. If anyone has seen such a thing, let me know, our group will go nuts looking for it.

THe fishermen get upset with you at times at Red Granite. They do not like you diving through an area that they are fishing. It is hard to avoid this as you do not know that they are there. THe local law enforcement is friendly to divers in my experience.

Keep on diving.

07-12-2004, 08:31 AM,
Re:Red Granite...
I'll second the motion on "no crane" in Red Granite. Tires, three boats, a snowmobile, a dumpster, old push lawnmower, a toilet, hundreds of bottles/cans, streetsign posts...heck, even the remains of some sort of wooden decking...but no crane. Between Doug, George, Al and I we've probably scoured just about every square inch of that quarry!!

Not sure about the dive flag - i think state law dictates that you need one, but you couldn't get a boat into the quarry...well you could, but after you got it into the quarry, it would quickly be on it's way to being another diving attraction. The police are very friendly towards divers - we often find stolen items for them Smile I don't think they would ticket you for diving without one. If you do plan to dive there after 7:00PM (when the park normally closes) be sure to give the police department a call and let them know you will be doing so. They don't mind as long as you ask/tell them.

The locals are okay. Some of them are curious, the fisherman often give you dirty looks, but not much else.

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