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Perch Lake Clean Up Dive May 3
04-23-2003, 10:16 AM,
Perch Lake Clean Up Dive May 3
Hey folks, there is a cleanup dive on May 3 at Perch Lake sponsored by the forum. Perch Lake is situated about 10 miles north of Hudson, WI. The lake features good visibility, interesting underwater structure, and lots of fish. AirDownThere, a scuba shop from the twin cities will provide food, drink, and prizes.

PM me if you are interested in attending and need directions!
05-02-2003, 09:48 AM,
Re:Perch Lake Clean Up Dive May 3
Just a reminder about the cleanup dives at Perch Lake, noon tomorrow. Fun lake, good eats, and great people. If anyone needs directions just PM me.

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